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1. 三菱MELCOSIM IGBT模塊IPM模塊等功率器件功耗仿真及選型軟件說(shuō)明及下載
MELCOSIM是一款三菱IGBT模塊損耗計(jì)算及功率器件選型軟件。該軟件可以通過(guò)飽和壓降特性和開(kāi)關(guān)特性計(jì)算IGBT & FWD上的總功耗,通過(guò)總功耗和熱阻計(jì)算結(jié)溫,最后評(píng)價(jià)計(jì)算出的結(jié)溫是否滿足設(shè)計(jì)需求。本版本繼承以往仿真軟件快速計(jì)算,結(jié)構(gòu)化輸入輸出窗口,圖表式功率輸出等優(yōu)點(diǎn)的前提下新增了溫度紋波曲線計(jì)算功能。This software is the power loss simulation for inverter system named "Melcosin".轉(zhuǎn)載請(qǐng)注明出處 http://www.wwwcb863.com
This document is explained for operation of the Mitsubishi Power Module Loss Simulator "Melcosim" for 2-level inverter and 3-Level inverter.


資料名稱 文件類型 文件大小 更新時(shí)間 下載
兩/三電平功耗仿真軟件 ZIP 12.3MB 2013-12-30 點(diǎn)擊下載
兩/三電平功耗仿真軟件說(shuō)明書 PDF 3.01MB 2013-5-17 點(diǎn)擊下載
2 英飛凌IPOSIM7.4IGBT模塊功耗仿真及選型軟件說(shuō)明及下載
Dimensioning program IPOSIM for loss and thermal calculation ofeupec modules
􀂾 IPOSIM performs an approximate calculation of switching and conduction losses for IGBTs and free-wheeling diodes in a three phase inverter configuration.
􀂾 IPOSIM works under the assumption of a sinusoidal output current and uses linear approximation
􀂾 IPOSIM is a quick selection tool for eupec IGBT modules
Dimensioning program IPOSIM for loss and thermal calculation ofeupec modules
The calculation results in diagrams which are showing an estimation of
􀂾 the average power losses versus the RMS phase leg current at sinusoidal currents
􀂾 the temperature distribution between junction and ambient
􀂾 loss distribution (static and dynamic losses)
􀂾 calculation of complete load cycles
Thermal limits of IGBT and diode part of the module are considered. IPOSIM applies an easy to use, fast and at the same time relatively exact method under sinusoidal output conditions. This fulfils the engineers need for first estimations on losses and thermal limits of the considered IGBT module.
3. 富士IGBT模塊及IPM模塊等功率器件功耗仿真及選型軟件說(shuō)明及下載

轉(zhuǎn)載請(qǐng)注明出處 http://www.wwwcb863.com
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